3D Creation Lab is a 3D printing service located in the United Kingdom. According to their site, they offer 3D printing in three different material options: detailed, durable, and multi-colored. You can get more specific on your material type when you upload your 3D model.
The 3D printing service has an easy-to-use user interface that allows customers to request a quote to 3D print their item. First, upload your file. Second, enter your name and email address. Third, select the material you would like your object to be made with. Fourth, select the delivery speed of your 3D-printed object.
The 3D Creation Lab website states that it usually takes 3 to 4 days from the time the recieve your order to print your object and put it in the mail.
To learn more about the latest in 3D Printing, check out our 3D printing.