Solid Concepts is a 3D printing service with headquarters located in Valencia, California and six other facilites located around the United States. Solid Concepts was founded in 1991 by three engineers formerly working for 3D Systems. Joe Allison, Schuyler Mitchell, and Ray Bradford and provides 3D printing and rapid prototyping, tooling, and injection molding services. The company has successfully created the world's first 3D printed metal gun.
The company's website states that, "Solid Concepts has capabilities in PolyJet™, high-precision 3D printing, Stereolithography® (SLA) models and patterns, Z-Corp® 3D Color Prints, Selective Laser Sintering® (SLS), Direct Metal Laser Sintering® (DMLS), Fused Deposition Modeling® (FDM), ID-Light™ lightweight parts, CNC models and patterns, QuantumCast™ advanced cast urethanes, and Composites."
"These technologies allow for low-volume production of plastic, urethane, and metal components directly from design data, resulting in significant time and cost savings. Capabilities in tooling and injection molding make Solid Concepts your one-stop source to bring your concept from prototype to finished product ready for market," according to the website.
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