Skylar Tibbits is one of the leading proponents and inventors of both "4D printing" and "self-assembly" technologies.
His undergraduate years were spent at Philadelphia University studying architecture and experimental computation. During this time, he started SJET.com, which has grown into a research based website/firm focusing on Tibbit's crossover between architecture, computer science, and fabrication. His graduate studies at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) concluded with a Masters of Science and Design as well as a Masters of Science in Computer Science.
Since graduating from MIT in 2010, Tibbits has continually exhibited his collaborative art installations, given lectures, and been invited to jury at many of the top tier academic institutions in the world - all centered on the possibility of computation affecting structures (and structures that can compute and react on their own). He is well known for his popular TED talk about 4D printing and has been featured in many tech publications, both professional and peer-reviewed.
Mr. Tibbits has been the director of the Self-Assembly Lab at MIT since February of 2013. He also lectures in MIT's Department of Architecture in graduate and undergraduate classes.
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