Meet Scout, the world's largest 3D printed statue of a human. She pays homage to the growing number of hard-working female construction workers everywhere. Designed by 3D artist Anna Benjamin for the Association of Equipment Managers and then handed over to the Whiteclouds design team to prep for 3D printing at a massive scale. The Scout statue proudly stands 19-feet tall on top of a 10-foot tall steel base.

Largest 3D statue 1 Largest 3D statue 2 Largest 3D statue 3

Whiteclouds' 3D designer, Tim Brown, worked on the supplied 3D model to optimize the file for print. "We often get files that look great but aren't anywhere near ready for printing. A lot of work was necessary to get this one ready to print," said Tim of the Scout model. He spent nearly 60 hours combining the individual shells of the file into one cohesive mesh, hollowing the model, and then cutting down the data to fit the printer's build platforms. A total of 365 prints were printed and fused to form Scout.

As a composite fabrication, Scout combines an inner steel frame, PLA 3D printed plastic, expanding polyurethane foam, fiberglass matt, resin, cementitious, and expanded polystyrene foam. From concept to finish, Whiteclouds' Scout statue took a total of eight weeks to bring to fruition. Scout was shipped, on a flat-bed trailer, directly to Las Vegas, NV from Whiteclouds' manufacturing warehouse in Ogden, UT, for the 2020 CONEXPO-CON/AGG exhibition.

For detailed information, please visit our 3D Statues page

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